1 Analysis

The analysis component is where the elements in components 1-4 are combined to answer the question(s) of interest given current information and to quantify the value of potential further research. Our framework separates the analysis in three subcomponents: 05a Probabilistic analysis, _05b Deterministic analysis_and 05c Value of information analysis. For the Sick-Sicker case-study, we use all three subcomponents to conduct the CEA and to quantify the uncertainty of our decision. For procedures in the CEA, we rely on the R package dampack, which is available here: https://github.com/DARTH-git/dampack. To install dampack, please follow these instructions:

# Install development version from GitHub

1.1 05a Probabilistic analysis

In this subcomponent, we evaluate decision uncertainty by propagating the uncertainty through the CEA using probabilistic sensitivity analysis (PSA). Until now we used the parameter values as described in Table 1.1 of the 01 Model inputs section. However, we are uncertain about these values. Most of these input parameters are defined by probability distribution as described in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1: Description of parameters with their R name and distribution.
Parameter R name Distribution
Annual transition probabilities
- Disease onset (H to S1) p_HS1 beta(30, 170)
- Recovery (S1 to H) p_S1H beta(60, 60)
Annual costs
- Healthy individuals c_H gamma(shape = 100, scale = 20)
- Sick individuals in S1 c_S1 gamma(shape = 177.8, scale = 22.5)
- Sick individuals in S2 c_S2 gamma(shape = 225, scale = 66.7)
- Additional costs of sick individuals treated in S1 or S2 c.Trt gamma(shape = 73.5, scale = 163.3)
Utility weights
- Healthy individuals u_H truncnorm(mean = 1, sd = 0.01, b = 1)
- Sick individuals in S1 u_S1 truncnorm(mean = 0.75, sd = 0.02, b = 1)
- Sick individuals in S2 u_S2 truncnorm(mean = 0.50, sd = 0.03, b = 1)
Intervention effect
- Utility for treated individuals in S1 u_Trt truncnorm(mean = 0.95, sd = 0.02, b = 1)

In a PSA we sample the input parameter values from these distributions and we then run the model at each sample. In the file 05a_probabilistic_analysis_functions.R we created a single function, called generate_psa_params. This function generates a PSA dataset for all the CEA input parameters. We specify the number of PSA samples via the n_sim argument. The function also accepts specifying a seed to allow reproducibility of the results.

print.function(generate_psa_params) # print the function 
#> function(n_sim = 1000, seed = 20190220){ # User defined
#>   ## Load calibrated parameters
#>   n_sim <- nrow(m_calib_post)
#>   set_seed <- seed
#>   df_psa_params <- data.frame(
#>     ### Calibrated parameters
#>     m_calib_post,
#>     ### Transition probabilities (per cycle)
#>     p_HS1   = rbeta(n_sim, 30, 170),        # probability to become sick when healthy
#>     p_S1H   = rbeta(n_sim, 60, 60) ,        # probability to become healthy when sick
#>     ### State rewards
#>     ## Costs
#>     c_H   = rgamma(n_sim, shape = 100, scale = 20)    , # cost of remaining one cycle in state H
#>     c_S1  = rgamma(n_sim, shape = 177.8, scale = 22.5), # cost of remaining one cycle in state S1
#>     c_S2  = rgamma(n_sim, shape = 225, scale = 66.7)  , # cost of remaining one cycle in state S2
#>     c_Trt = rgamma(n_sim, shape = 73.5, scale = 163.3), # cost of treatment (per cycle)
#>     c_D   = 0                                         , # cost of being in the death state
#>     ## Utilities
#>     u_H   = truncnorm::rtruncnorm(n_sim, mean =    1, sd = 0.01, b = 1), # utility when healthy
#>     u_S1  = truncnorm::rtruncnorm(n_sim, mean = 0.75, sd = 0.02, b = 1), # utility when sick
#>     u_S2  = truncnorm::rtruncnorm(n_sim, mean = 0.50, sd = 0.03, b = 1), # utility when sicker
#>     u_D   = 0                                               , # utility when dead
#>     u_Trt = truncnorm::rtruncnorm(n_sim, mean = 0.95, sd = 0.02, b = 1)  # utility when being treated
#>   )
#>   return(df_psa_params)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x7f97a9aa1f90>
#> <environment: namespace:darthpack>

The function returns the df_psa_input dataframe with a PSA dataset of the input parameters. With this dataframe we can run the PSA to produce distributions of costs, effectiveness and NMB. The PSA is performed by the 05a_probabilistic_analysis.R script. As shown in the code below, the df_psa_input dataframe is used by the update_param_list function to generate the corresponding list of parameters for the PSA. For each simulation, we perform three steps. First, the list of parameters is updated by the update_param_list function. Second, the model is executed by the calculate_ce_out function using the updated parameter list and third, the dataframes df_c and df_e store the estimated cost and effects, respectively. The final part of this loop is to satisfy the modeler when waiting on the results, by displaying the simulation progress.

for(i in 1:n_sim){ 
  l_psa_input <- update_param_list(l_params_all, df_psa_input[i, ])
  df_out_temp <- calculate_ce_out(l_psa_input)
  df_c[i, ] <- df_out_temp$Cost
  df_e[i, ] <- df_out_temp$Effect
  # Display simulation progress
  if(i/(n_sim/10) == round(i/(n_sim/10), 0)) {
    cat('\r', paste(i/n_sim * 100, "% done", sep = " "))

We can plot the results using the plot function from dampack. Figure 1.1 shows the CE scatter plot with the joint distribution of costs and effects for each strategy and their corresponding 95% confidence ellipse.

The cost-effectiveness plane graph showing the results of the probabilistic sensitivity analysis for the Sick-Sicker case-study.

Figure 1.1: The cost-effectiveness plane graph showing the results of the probabilistic sensitivity analysis for the Sick-Sicker case-study.

Table 1.2: Probabilistic cost-effectiveness analysis results of the Sick-Sicker model comparing no treatment with treatment
Strategy Cost Effect Inc_Cost Inc_Effect ICER
No.Treatment 115538.9 19.95305 NA NA NA
Treatment 213755.8 20.63891 98216.84 0.6858646 143201.5

Next, we perform a CEA using the previously used calculate_icers functions from dampack. Table 1.2 shows the results of the probabilistic CEA. In addition, we plot a cost-effectiveness plane with the frontier, the cost-effectiveness acceptability curves (CEACs) and frontier (CEAF), expected Loss curves (ELCs) (Figures 1.2 - 1.4) (Alarid-Escudero et al. 2019). Followed by creating linear regression metamodeling sensitivity analysis graphs (Figures 1.5 - 1.8)(H. Jalal et al. 2013). All generated figures are shown below and stored to the figs folder .

Cost-effectiveness frontier

Figure 1.2: Cost-effectiveness frontier

Cost-effectiveness acceptability curves (CEACs) and frontier (CEAF).

Figure 1.3: Cost-effectiveness acceptability curves (CEACs) and frontier (CEAF).

Expected Loss Curves.

Figure 1.4: Expected Loss Curves.

One-way sensitivity analysis (OWSA).

Figure 1.5: One-way sensitivity analysis (OWSA).

Optimal strategy with OWSA

Figure 1.6: Optimal strategy with OWSA

Tornado plot

Figure 1.7: Tornado plot

Two-way sensitivity analysis (TWSA).

Figure 1.8: Two-way sensitivity analysis (TWSA).

1.2 05b Deterministic analysis

In this subcomponent, we perform a deterministic CEA, followed by some deterministic sensitivity analysis, including one-way, two-way and tornado sensitivity analyses. The function script of this subcomponent, 05b_deterministic_analysis_function.R, contains the function calculate_ce_out. This function calculates costs and effects for a given vector of parameters using a simulation model. We need to run our simulation model using the calibrated parameter values, but the list we created in component 01 (??) still contain the placeholder values for the calibrated parameters. This means we need to update these values by the calibrated values stored in the vector v_calib_post_map. The function update_param_list updates the list of parameters with new values for some specific parameters.

#> function(l_params_all, params_updated){
#>   if (typeof(params_updated)!="list"){
#>     params_updated <- split(unname(params_updated),names(params_updated)) #converte the named vector to a list
#>   }
#>   l_params_all <- modifyList(l_params_all, params_updated) #update the values
#>   return(l_params_all)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x7f97ac292d28>
#> <environment: namespace:darthpack>

The first argument of the function, called l_params_all, is a list with all the parameters of decision model. The second argument, params_updated, is an object with parameters for which values need to be updated. The function returns the list l_params_all with updated values.

In the 05b_deterministic_analysis.R script we execute the update_param_list function for our case-study, resulting in the list l_params_basecase where the placeholder values for p_S1S2, hr_S1 and hr_S2 are replaced by the calibration estimates.

l_params_basecase <- update_param_list(l_params_all, v_calib_post_map) 

We use this new list as an argument in the calculate_ce_out function. In addition, we specify the willingness-to-pay (WTP) threshold value using the n_wtp argument of this function. This WTP value is used to compute a net monetary benefit (NMB) value. If the user does not specify the WTP, a default value of $100,000/QALY will be used by the function.

df_out_ce <- calculate_ce_out(l_params_all = l_params_basecase, 
                                n_wtp = 150000)
print.function(calculate_ce_out) # print the function
#> function(l_params_all = load_all_params(), 
#>                              n_wtp = 100000){ # User defined
#>   with(as.list(l_params_all), {
#>     ## Create discounting vectors
#>     v_dwc <- 1 / ((1 + d_e) ^ (0:(n_t))) # vector with discount weights for costs
#>     v_dwe <- 1 / ((1 + d_c) ^ (0:(n_t))) # vector with discount weights for QALYs
#>     ## Run STM model at a parameter set for each intervention
#>     l_model_out_no_trt <- decision_model(l_params_all = l_params_all)
#>     l_model_out_trt    <- decision_model(l_params_all = l_params_all)
#>     ## Cohort trace by treatment
#>     m_M_no_trt <- l_model_out_no_trt$m_M # No treatment
#>     m_M_trt    <- l_model_out_trt$m_M    # Treatment
#>     ## Vectors with costs and utilities by treatment
#>     v_u_no_trt <- c(u_H, u_S1, u_S2, u_D)
#>     v_u_trt    <- c(u_H, u_Trt, u_S2, u_D)
#>     v_c_no_trt <- c(c_H, c_S1, c_S2, c_D)
#>     v_c_trt    <- c(c_H, c_S1 + c_Trt, c_S2 + c_Trt, c_D)
#>     ## Mean Costs and QALYs for Treatment and NO Treatment
#>     v_tu_no_trt <- m_M_no_trt %*% v_u_no_trt
#>     v_tu_trt    <- m_M_trt %*% v_u_trt
#>     v_tc_no_trt <- m_M_no_trt %*% v_c_no_trt
#>     v_tc_trt    <- m_M_trt %*% v_c_trt
#>     ## Total discounted mean Costs and QALYs
#>     tu_d_no_trt <- t(v_tu_no_trt) %*% v_dwe 
#>     tu_d_trt    <- t(v_tu_trt) %*% v_dwe
#>     tc_d_no_trt <- t(v_tc_no_trt) %*% v_dwc
#>     tc_d_trt    <- t(v_tc_trt)    %*% v_dwc
#>     ## Vector with total discounted mean Costs and QALYs
#>     v_tc_d <- c(tc_d_no_trt, tc_d_trt)
#>     v_tu_d <- c(tu_d_no_trt, tu_d_trt)
#>     ## Vector with discounted net monetary benefits (NMB)
#>     v_nmb_d <- v_tu_d * n_wtp - v_tc_d
#>     ## Dataframe with discounted costs, effectiveness and NMB
#>     df_ce <- data.frame(Strategy = v_names_str,
#>                         Cost     = v_tc_d,
#>                         Effect   = v_tu_d,
#>                         NMB      = v_nmb_d)
#>     return(df_ce)
#>   }
#>   )
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x7f97ab355e68>
#> <environment: namespace:darthpack>

After calculating the discount weights, this function runs the simulation model using the previously described function decision_model in the 02_simulation_model_function.R script. Inside the function calculate_ce_out, the simulation model is run for both the treatment, l_model_out_trt, and no treatment, l_model_out_no_trt, strategies of the Sick-Sicker model. Running it for both treatment strategies is done for illustration purposes. In this case-study, the resulting cohort traces are identical and we could have executed it only once.

In the second part of the function we create multiple vectors for both the cost and effects of both strategies. These vectors multiply the cohort trace to compute the cycle-specific rewards. This results in vectors of total costs (v_tc) and total effects (v_tu) per cycle. By multiplying these vectors with the vectors with the discount weights for costs (v_dwc) and effects (v_dwe) we get the total discounted mean costs (tc_d_no_trt and tc_d_trt) and QALYs (tu_d_no_trt and tu_d_trt) for both strategies. These values are used in the calculation of the NMB. Finally, the total discounted costs, effectiveness and NMB are combined in the dataframe df_ce. The results for our case-study are shown below.

df_out_ce # print the dataframe 
#>       Strategy     Cost  Effect     NMB
#> 1 No Treatment 115244.8 20.0233 2888250
#> 2    Treatment 214165.8 20.7226 2894224

This dataframe of CE results can be used as an argument in the calculate_icers function from the dampack package to calculate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) and noting which strategies are weakly and strongly dominated. Table 1.3 shows the result of the deterministic CEA.

df_cea_det <- calculate_icers(cost = df_out_ce$Cost, 
                              effect = df_out_ce$Effect, 
                              strategies = l_params_basecase$v_names_str)
Table 1.3: Deterministic cost-effectiveness analysis results of the Sick-Sicker model comparing no treatment with treatment.
Strategy Cost Effect Inc_Cost Inc_Effect ICER
No Treatment 115244.8 20.0233 NA NA NA
Treatment 214165.8 20.7226 98921.01 0.6992988 141457.4

Finally, Figure 1.9 shows the cost-effectiveness frontier of the CEA.

Cost-effectiveness frontier.

Figure 1.9: Cost-effectiveness frontier.

We then conduct a series of deterministic sensitivity analysis. First, we conduct a one-way sensitivity analysis (OWSA) on the variables c_Trt, p_HS1, u_S1 and u_Trt and a two-way sensitivity analysis (TWSA) using the owsa_det and twsa_det functions. We use the output of these functions to produce different SA plots, such as OWSA tornado, one-way optimal strategy and TWSA plots (Figures 1.10 - 1.13).

One-way sensitivity analysis results

Figure 1.10: One-way sensitivity analysis results

The optimal strategy with OWSA

Figure 1.11: The optimal strategy with OWSA

The tornado plot

Figure 1.12: The tornado plot

Two-way sensitivity results.

Figure 1.13: Two-way sensitivity results.

1.3 05c Value of information

In the VOI component, the results from the PSA generated in the probabilistic analysis subcomponent are used to determine whether further potential research is needed. We use the calc_evpi function from the dampack package to calculate the expected value of perfect information (EVPI). Figure 1.14 shows the EVPI for the different WTP values.

evpi <- calc_evpi(wtp = v_wtp, psa = l_psa)
Expected value of perfect information

Figure 1.14: Expected value of perfect information


Alarid-Escudero, F, EA Enns, KM Kuntz, TL Michaud, and H Jalal. 2019. “‘Time Traveling Is Just Too Dangerous’ But Some Methods Are Worth Revisiting: The Advantages of Expected Loss Curves Over Cost-Effectiveness Acceptability Curves and Frontier.” Value in Health 22 (5): 611–18. doi:10.1016/j.jval.2019.02.008.

Jalal, Hawre, Bryan Dowd, François Sainfort, and Karen M. Kuntz. 2013. “Linear regression metamodeling as a tool to summarize and present simulation model results.” Medical Decision Making 33 (7): 880–90. doi:10.1177/0272989X13492014.